Frontend documentation

This documentation is not complete at all. This is also because the state of the Dash application is quite poor in terms of documentation. But for reference, the same guide given in the setup of new iof projects is given below.

Due to the way the Dash app is structured, the code must be run from inside the src/frontend/ folder. Navigate there, and for first-time setup, run


This will only work if backend has already been correctly initalized. If so, the metadata for the current project will be converted to a frontend-compatible file. It will then prompt you to add at least one username/password pair:

Done converting backend metadata to frontend metadata
At least one username/password pair is needed for authentication.
It will be stored next to the dash app in a toml file in plain text.
username: dev
password: pass
Do you wish to add another username/password pair? [y/n]: n
Successfully added username/password pair(s) to file! can now authenticate in Dash app.

You are now ready to run the Dah app. To run, simply run


and then go visit in your web browser. This should load the iof Dash app, polling data from the main database located in src/backend/dbmanager/databases/, and using metadata to provide filtering options in the app.

The app is essentially a Flask app. Look up how to host Flask apps on webservers / other solutions for ways to make the app publicly available. The code you would have to change is the very last line of code in Use the username/password combination you provided in the initalization.


The website has controls on the left-hand side to switch between tag, tbr, and position data. If positioning is not included in the project metadata, the option to view the positioning data is removed, along with the filters and options that come with it.